Sunday, August 29, 2010

GWT 2 + Gilead 1.3 + Spring + JPA + Hibernate

GWT 2 + Gilead 1.3 + Spring + JPA + Hibernate
As Gilead has been released version 1.3 which support GWT 2.0 for a while, and new release of GWT 2 allows creating production solutions that combine superior style,
performance, and interactivity with exceptional quality and maintainability.

Then, i have been dealing with an upgrade of my previouse sample project which is integrated with GWT 1.7,
i found a good bit of things that has to be changed from the old version while making the migration manually

After finishing this stuff, i noticed that the performance of GWT startup and data retrieving from the backend is faster than previous version.

The project is composed of the following technology:
GWT 2.0, Gilead 1.3.1, Spring 2.5, Hibernate 3.2, GWT-SL 1.1, GWT-Ext 2.0.6, Oracle 10g XE, Tomcat 6.0

You can get the source code by link below: